Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mobile App Index: 65.26(9.16%) WE 11/25/11

Thank goodness for humility in the face of flawed predictions.  The MobiAppIndex set a new low this week -- the previous low was 68.21 on 9/30/2011.  Relative to the major indices used for comparison, this weeks' MobiAppIndex changes fell in line with overall stock market activity.  The Europe debt crisis dominates the investment world right now.  Other than the greater volatility throughout the stock world, a clear directional trend for the MobiAppIndex cannot be determined. Looking back over the past month, I continue see these stocks demonstrating leading indicator qualities, however.  Lastly, COBR's streak was broken -- (11.21%) this week. 

Comparison: DJI (7.58%), Nasdaq (8.85%), S&P500 (8.32%), EEM (8.76%), FONE (8.22%)

Winner: AUGT +0.57%

Losers: P (16.3%), VELT (14.34%), COOL (14.05%), GLUU (11.44%), COBR (11.21%), MITK (7.94%), ROVI (5.76%)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mobile App Index: 71.84(5.25%) WE 11/18/11

Predictions are on hold for now -- earnings and related announcements led to MITK (16.96%) and VELT (1.28%).  MITK missed its' earnings estimate and will raise more capitol via another public offering.  While VELT missed its' earnings estimate, it completed a key acquisition of the Mobile Interactive Group. COBR continues its streak. In addition, the european debt crisis continues to influence volatility.

Comparison: DJI (2.94%), Nasdaq (3.94%), S&P500 (3.81%), EEM (2.62%), FONE (1.25%)

Upcoming earnings: P on 11/22

Winners: COBR +11.03%, VOCS +4.03%

Losers: AUGT (20.91%), MITK (16.96%), GLUU (8.66%), COOL (7.55%), ROVI (7.32%)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Mobile App Index: 75.83(6.91%) WE 11/11/11

The best thing about a prediction is when it is proven completely wrong -- the index plumeted almost 7%  ending the streak.  Next weeks' prediction is that the index will head back upwards, however.  Two key events contributed to this weeks' decline: ROVI's earnings report and AUGT's announcement that it will hold another public offering.  While ROVI met its' earnings goal of 0.63 per share, it also announced that its' profits declined dramatically from the year prior due to increased expenses.  The overall market experienced more investment drama due to the crises in Greece and Italy.

Earnings coming up: MITK 11/14 (announced on 11/8), VELT 11/15

Comparison: DJI +1.41%, Nasdaq (0.28%), S&P500 +0.85%, EEM +3.02%, FONE (1.41%)

Winners: COBR +12.4% (positive earnings, and streak continues 11 of 12 weeks), VELT +17.28%

Losers: ROVI (38.2%), AUGT (24.14%), P (9.66%), MITK (4.02%), GLUU (4.29%), NCTY (8.49%), VOCS (4.93%)
NOTE: COOL's streak was ended too.
Groupon (GRPN) IPO'd this week and has seen its stock settle into negative territory, ending down 7% at $24.25 (Market Cap @ $15.5B) for the week.  This stock will be considered for the index in the New Year, and the index will be rebalanced at that point as well.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Mobile App Index: 81.46+0.33% WE 11/4/11

The streaks continue for the MobiAppIndex (5 weeks and 19%), COBR (no declines 10 out of the past 11 weeks) and now COOL (5 weeks.)  Once again the MobiAppIndex beat the major indexes (the third time in the past 5 weeks): DJI (2.02%), Nasdaq (1.86%), S&P 500 (2.48%), and FONE (4.19%), but it did not beat EEM +4.04%.  The height of earnings for the index occurs next week as well:  ROVI 11/8, COBR 11/8 (updated) so the prediction is that the streak will continue through next week.  VELT announces earnings on 11/15.

Winners: GLUU +12.54% (due to positive earnings), COBR +5.28%, VOCS +3.11%, AUGT +3.94%

Losers: VELT (13.22%), MITK (3.77%), NCTY (3.72%), ROVI (3.29%)