Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mobile App Index: 60.92 (6.57)% WE 9/28/12

Quite a decline for the revised MobiAppIndex this week!  The previous version of the index did not fall as far -- only 3.97%.  AUGT appears to really be in trouble with investors now as they announced yet another public offering of stock at 0.80/share -- this after the recent declines tied to patent decisions and CEO changes.  In addition MITK has come under new analyst scrutiny and has also become itself embroiled in a Patent death grip.  While the greater markets appear to be influencing the MobiAppIndex, I would have to say that a significant portion of this weeks' decline can be attributed to the performance of individual stocks in the index.  Prediction of heading in a positive direction continues.

On the positive side, key components of the index, EPOC and COBR continue to climb in a positive direction. 

Losers: AUGT (29.09)%, MITK (27.9)%, VRNG (12.12)%, VELT (10.67)%, COOL (8.03)%, GLUU (7.94)%, ROVI (5.78)%, MM (4.27)%

Winners: EPOC +10.32%, COBR +4.54%, P +4.29%

Comparison: DJI (1.05)%, Nasdaq (2)%, S&P 500 (1.33)%, EEM (2.62)%, FONE (1.05)%

Upcoming Earnings: AUGT 10/10 11am ET, 10/22 VOCS, 10/29 MM, 11/2 GLUU, 11/5 EPOC, 11/5 ROVI, 11/13 VELT, 11/14 VRNG, 11/14 MITK, P 11/21.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mobile App Index: 65.2 (0.39)% WE 9/21/12

The new version of the index, which includes MM and VRNG, went down with all of the other related major indices while the February version of the index went up.  Prediction mixed, and mostly appears connected with the overall market performance.  Next weeks' prediction will be the same: slowly moving upwards.

As usual there does not appear to be much news that is driving any price changes, since we are between earnings seasons, which reinforces the overall market sentiment driving pricing.  P may have declined due to Apple's announcement of a competitive offering. VELT appears to continue its climb since its earning reports by getting new coverage from the analysts. The big drama of the week centered around AUGT, which dropped around 36% on Monday with no official news and eventually ended the week up 2.8% after the public announcement that they're changing CEOs.

Comparison: DJI (0.1)%, Nasdaq (0.13)%, S&P500 (0.38)%, EEM (1.43)%, FONE (2.29)%

Winners: VELT +6%, EPOC +5.18%, AUGT +2.8%,  VOCS +2.19%, MM +1.56%, GLUU +1.41%

Losers: COOL (10.46)%, P (7.49)%, ROVI (7.23)%, VRNG (7.04)%, MITK (3.24)%

Upcoming Earnings: AUGT 10/10 11am ET, 10/22 VOCS, 10/29 MM, 11/2 GLUU, 11/5 EPOC, 11/5 ROVI, 11/13 VELT, 11/14 VRNG, 11/14 MITK, 11/21 P.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mobile App Index: 65.47 +2.72% WE 9/14/12

Prediction confirmed: The MobiAppIndex breached the 65 point barrier! This week also the became the greatest gain for the index in almost three (3) months -- 6/22 saw a 5.61% gain.  For comparison, the international sector performed the best with EEM and FONE both gaining over 4% on the week.  Next weeks' prediction: continued upwards slow climb for the MobiApp Index.

No real news on the VELT gain, but there was a related report indicating that Android ad revenue gained share on iOS. No real news for any of AUGT (biggest loser), COOL (another loser) or EPOC (a winner) either.  COOL was supposed to have an earnings announcement, however.  Earning season is coming up again.

Upcoming Earnings: AUGT 10/10 11am ET, 10/22 VOCS, 11/2 GLUU, 11/5 EPOC, 11/5 ROVI, 11/13 VELT, 11/14 ROVI, 11/21 P.

Winners: VELT +21.1%, EPOC +11.43%, P +8.4%, NCTY +5.35%, ROVI +3.94%, VOCS +2.72%, GLUU +2.47%
NOTE: MM would have claimed top honors this week with a 25.08% gain.

Losers: AUGT (14.4)%, COOL (12.07)%, COBR (3.95)%, MITK (1.07)%

Comparison: DJI +2.14%, Nasdaq +1.52%, S&P500 +1.94%, EEM +4.25%, FONE +4.75%

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mobile App Index: 63.74 (0.89)% WE 9/7/12

The prediction was incorrect for the MobiAppIndex -- and it appears that the 65 level really is somewhat of an inflection point or threshold as we're seeing another one of those technical head and shoulders patterns forming.  This time the pattern stretches out over four months, and it is really quite jagged, but I think we're continuing to see a decrease in volatility of the overall index.  While I can't tell exactly when this will happen, I am still standing by the overall prediction that this pattern will be broken and the index will climb upwards.  To characterize this weeks' decline, we actually see six (6) of the stocks in strongly positive territory, where four (4) were strongly negative -- two of which were very sharply down.  P fell sharply this week on rumor news that AAPL would be entering this market with their own competitive offering -- it would appear that AAPLs litigious nature may have spelled the end of their usefulness but what do I know!  On the streak side, we have COBR in its' 4th week in positive territory -- a real sleeper of a stock IMHO.

Relative to the main indices, EEM climbed dramatically this week on news that Europes financial support is stronger than previously thought as the ECB clearly stated their position.  The US indices followed, but flagged at the end of the week on no-so-positive jobs news -- it appears that much of the decrease in the unemployment rate was due to folks giving up on their job searches.

Winners:  VELT +5.34%, ROVI +4.04%, MITK +3.08%, COBR +2.43%, COOL +2.35%, EPOC +1.01%
NOTE: MM which will be added into next weeks' calculation would have been this weeks' winner with a gain of 8.66%.  VRNG will also likely be added into the entertainment category.

Losers:  P (12.68)%, AUGT (10.71)%, GLUU (3.96)%, VOCS (1.49)%, NCTY (0.64)%

Comparison: DJI +1.12%, Nasdaq +2.16%, S&P500 +2.75%, EEM +4.45%, FONE (0.28)%