Friday, October 28, 2011

Mobile App Index: 81.19+1.83% WE 10/28/11

A week of record streaks and a surprise -- VOCS announced earnings on 10/25.  The notice for this announcement went out on 10/11, and I missed it -- it was a positive earnings announcement.  The Mobile Application Index completed its fourth consecutive week of heading into positive territory -- a new streak.  In addition, COBR keeps its' streak alive (9 out of the last 10 weeks with no decline) and FONE is now in its' 5th consecutive week in positive territory.  The MobiAppIndex did not beat the other major indices this week, however.

Comparison: DJI +3.58%, Nasdaq +3.77%, S&P 500 +3.77%, EEM +7.15%, FONE +4.25%

Winners: NCTY +16.45%, COOL +7.89%, VOCS +6.57%, GLUU +6.14%
NOTE: GLUU announces earnings next week on 11/3.

Loser: MITK (13.11%)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mobile App Index: 79.72 +0.67% WE 10/21/11

Major indexes were mixed this week, while the MobiAppIndex barely finished in the positive for the third straight week.  This is the first time since July and the second time since the index began that the MobiAppIndex has increased three weeks in a row -- one more week makes it a record for the index.

Winners: NCTY +13.51%, COOL +7.42%
NOTE: COBR continues a streak with 0% the week before and +1.41% this week. Rephrased this becomes 8 out of the past 9 weeks without a decline.
Losers: ROVI -5.06%, AUGT -5.23%, VELT -5.66%, VOCS -4.42%

Comparison: DJI +1.4%, Nasdaq -1.13%, S&P 500 +1.12%, EEM -1.86%, FONE +0.08%

Meaningful news continues to be scant for these stocks, except maybe COOL that has been on a +52% tear for the past 3-weeks.  While I don't consider historic analyst observations meaningful :-), in this case it was a veritable analyst 'pile-on.'

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mobile App Index: 79.20(+13.77%) WE10/14/11

Huge jumps all the way around last week, but for the second week in a row the Mobile Application Index (MobiApp index) beat the major indices. 

Comparisons: DJI +4.87%, Nasdaq +7.59%, S&P 500 +5.98%
More on the graphs and details later in the week.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Mobile App Index: 69.62(+2.06%) WE 10/07/11

The Mobiappindex beat all of the major indices this week.  Many of the App stocks continued to recieve positive news and several stocks on the index announced their earnings report dates this week. 

Comparison: DJI (-0.18%), Nasdaq (-1.89%), S&P 500 (-0.82%), EEM (-1.18%), FONE +0.68%

Earnings Dates Announced: GLUU 11/3, COBR 11/9, AUGT 10/10

Winners: VELT +12.56%, COOL +21.5%

Losers: P (-10.51%)

Noteworthy:  COBR has consistently gained 5 out of the past 6 weeks.  

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mobile App Index: 68.21(-3.61%) WE 9/30/11

Another interesting week in the investment neighborhood, and a second week of setting the record low for the index.  The market continues to seek a solid bottom to land on.  The Dow went up 1.32% this week while the Nasdaq fell 2.73% and the S&P only slightly declined (-0.44%).  FONE was up very slightly +0.09% and EEM fell 2.18%.

Big Winner: P +36.28% -- what is going on there?! I don't see anything so noteworthy -- unless there is something about offering Pandora in every Hyundai Veloster that I don't understand.
Losers: GLUU (-26.48%), NCTY (-14.18%), COOL (-8.16%), MITK (-8.51%), VELT (-8.19%)
Again, no real news to explain these declines -- if anything the analyst news is quite positive.