Saturday, December 31, 2011

MobiApp: 70.63 (1.57%) WE 12/23, 69.15 (2.09%) WE 12/30

The index continued a slow decline over the past two weeks, while the major indexes rapidly climbed the first week and ended mixed the week following, as follows:

WE 12/23:
Major Indices: DJI +3.6%, Nasdaq +2.48%, S&P500 +3.74%, EEM +2.52%, FONE +4.45%

Winners: MITK +11.9%, GLUU +3.46%, ROVI +3.52%, COBR 3.49%, VOCS 3.63%
Losers: NCTY (15.55%), AUGT (8%), VELT (4.54%), P (5.12%), COOL (3.23%)

WE 12/30:
Major Indices: DJI (0.56%), Nasdaq (0.33%), S&P500 (0.43%), EEM +0.05%, FONE +0.67%

Winners: NCTY +4.86%, VELT 4.29%
Losers: COOL (9.63%), MITK (9.26%), GLUU (4.56%), AUGT (2.9%)

No substantive news appears to be driving any of the individual stock changes, and the continued slow decline for the index serves to re-inforce that observation perfectly.  No good news usually leads to a downward drift -- especially for stocks considered to be high-flying/risky.  Given the sheer lack of stocks in this category and the continued emerging nature of mobile application software for the smartphone and tablet markets, these stocks clearly fall into the high-flying/risky category.

To illustrate the high-flying nature of the market for mobile application software companies:

  • Tablet sales are growing in an approximately 300% year over year growth rate -- to be expected since it is so new and there is a lot of customer demand.
  • The more mature smartphone market grew 57% year over year, with Android-based phones growing to where it now owns the largest share of this growing market -- quite a feat for big 'ol Google in this spectacular market.

Let's hope that the stock markets stabilize and begin to demonstrate some growth in the New Year!  Surely there is value somewhere.  :-)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mobile App Index: 71.76(2.73%) WE 12/16/11

Doesn't it amaze you that just after we see what we think is a formal declaration that the European debt crisis is over that the stock market tanks again?  IMHO another reason to look for long term growth and value, because the hedge funds simply have the day traders over a barrel.  On a positive note, the index peformed as well as the major indices, and because of that it glided down -- a sign that it is approaching a value point.  My hope is that the value point it bounces off of will be higher than 65.25, but it's really a 50/50 proposition, so I cannot make a real prediction. 

Comparison: DJI (2.6%), S&P500 (2.83%), Nasdaq (3.46%), FONE (3.94%), EEM (4.65%)

Winners: NCTY +14.53%, P +6.57%, AUGT 6.38%, VELT 1.64%

Losers: MITK (16.59%), ROVI (11.31%), COOL (9.12%), GLUU (6.74%), COBR (5.29%)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Mobile App Index: 73.77 (0.93%) WE 12/9/11

Both predictions were correct this week: the index did not go up greater than 14% and NCTY did decline this week.  The index underperformed DJI, S&P, and Nasdaq, and performed about the same as EEM and FONE.  Europe's debt crisis appears to be headed towards a reprieve as the EU moves closer to a lasting agreement.  It's a coin toss as to whether the index goes up or down next week -- on the one hand the performance this week indicates potential strength, but on the other hand there may be a glide downwards that would test/re-inforce the bottom of the index.  There is no indication that the index is on an upwards trend.  Let's see what the week brings . . .

Comparison: DJI +1.37%, S&P500 +0.88%, Nasdaq +0.76%, EEM (1.01%), FONE (1.52%)

Winners: MITK +17.1%, VOCS +5.19%

Losers: AUGT (14.55%), GLUU (9.07%), P (8.16%), VELT (7.69%)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Mobile App Index: 74.46 +14.1% WE 12/2/11

From a new index low to the largest weekly percentage gain -- if that doesn't describe stock market volatility then I don't know what does.  Compared to the DJI +7%, Nasdaq +7.58%, and S&P500 +7.38% it either doubled or very nearly doubled their performance this week. NCTY, with no discernable news to its' credit, set a record for the stocks in the index this week with a 57.72% gain -- I'm asking the question "Why did this happen?"  On the one hand, it is fair to say that this is a very strong bounce for the index, but on the other hand, I don't see reasons for NCTY's gain holding next week.  I predict that it will not go up 14% or more next week -- I think that's a safe guess.

Winners: NCTY +57.72%, GLUU +38.38%, COOL +17.11%, COBR +11.67%

Losers: AUGT (5.71%), VELT (0.14%)

Comparison: DJI +7%, Nasdaq +7.58%, S&P500 +7.38%, EEM +10.16%, FONE +6.71%

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mobile App Index: 65.26(9.16%) WE 11/25/11

Thank goodness for humility in the face of flawed predictions.  The MobiAppIndex set a new low this week -- the previous low was 68.21 on 9/30/2011.  Relative to the major indices used for comparison, this weeks' MobiAppIndex changes fell in line with overall stock market activity.  The Europe debt crisis dominates the investment world right now.  Other than the greater volatility throughout the stock world, a clear directional trend for the MobiAppIndex cannot be determined. Looking back over the past month, I continue see these stocks demonstrating leading indicator qualities, however.  Lastly, COBR's streak was broken -- (11.21%) this week. 

Comparison: DJI (7.58%), Nasdaq (8.85%), S&P500 (8.32%), EEM (8.76%), FONE (8.22%)

Winner: AUGT +0.57%

Losers: P (16.3%), VELT (14.34%), COOL (14.05%), GLUU (11.44%), COBR (11.21%), MITK (7.94%), ROVI (5.76%)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mobile App Index: 71.84(5.25%) WE 11/18/11

Predictions are on hold for now -- earnings and related announcements led to MITK (16.96%) and VELT (1.28%).  MITK missed its' earnings estimate and will raise more capitol via another public offering.  While VELT missed its' earnings estimate, it completed a key acquisition of the Mobile Interactive Group. COBR continues its streak. In addition, the european debt crisis continues to influence volatility.

Comparison: DJI (2.94%), Nasdaq (3.94%), S&P500 (3.81%), EEM (2.62%), FONE (1.25%)

Upcoming earnings: P on 11/22

Winners: COBR +11.03%, VOCS +4.03%

Losers: AUGT (20.91%), MITK (16.96%), GLUU (8.66%), COOL (7.55%), ROVI (7.32%)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Mobile App Index: 75.83(6.91%) WE 11/11/11

The best thing about a prediction is when it is proven completely wrong -- the index plumeted almost 7%  ending the streak.  Next weeks' prediction is that the index will head back upwards, however.  Two key events contributed to this weeks' decline: ROVI's earnings report and AUGT's announcement that it will hold another public offering.  While ROVI met its' earnings goal of 0.63 per share, it also announced that its' profits declined dramatically from the year prior due to increased expenses.  The overall market experienced more investment drama due to the crises in Greece and Italy.

Earnings coming up: MITK 11/14 (announced on 11/8), VELT 11/15

Comparison: DJI +1.41%, Nasdaq (0.28%), S&P500 +0.85%, EEM +3.02%, FONE (1.41%)

Winners: COBR +12.4% (positive earnings, and streak continues 11 of 12 weeks), VELT +17.28%

Losers: ROVI (38.2%), AUGT (24.14%), P (9.66%), MITK (4.02%), GLUU (4.29%), NCTY (8.49%), VOCS (4.93%)
NOTE: COOL's streak was ended too.
Groupon (GRPN) IPO'd this week and has seen its stock settle into negative territory, ending down 7% at $24.25 (Market Cap @ $15.5B) for the week.  This stock will be considered for the index in the New Year, and the index will be rebalanced at that point as well.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Mobile App Index: 81.46+0.33% WE 11/4/11

The streaks continue for the MobiAppIndex (5 weeks and 19%), COBR (no declines 10 out of the past 11 weeks) and now COOL (5 weeks.)  Once again the MobiAppIndex beat the major indexes (the third time in the past 5 weeks): DJI (2.02%), Nasdaq (1.86%), S&P 500 (2.48%), and FONE (4.19%), but it did not beat EEM +4.04%.  The height of earnings for the index occurs next week as well:  ROVI 11/8, COBR 11/8 (updated) so the prediction is that the streak will continue through next week.  VELT announces earnings on 11/15.

Winners: GLUU +12.54% (due to positive earnings), COBR +5.28%, VOCS +3.11%, AUGT +3.94%

Losers: VELT (13.22%), MITK (3.77%), NCTY (3.72%), ROVI (3.29%)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Mobile App Index: 81.19+1.83% WE 10/28/11

A week of record streaks and a surprise -- VOCS announced earnings on 10/25.  The notice for this announcement went out on 10/11, and I missed it -- it was a positive earnings announcement.  The Mobile Application Index completed its fourth consecutive week of heading into positive territory -- a new streak.  In addition, COBR keeps its' streak alive (9 out of the last 10 weeks with no decline) and FONE is now in its' 5th consecutive week in positive territory.  The MobiAppIndex did not beat the other major indices this week, however.

Comparison: DJI +3.58%, Nasdaq +3.77%, S&P 500 +3.77%, EEM +7.15%, FONE +4.25%

Winners: NCTY +16.45%, COOL +7.89%, VOCS +6.57%, GLUU +6.14%
NOTE: GLUU announces earnings next week on 11/3.

Loser: MITK (13.11%)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mobile App Index: 79.72 +0.67% WE 10/21/11

Major indexes were mixed this week, while the MobiAppIndex barely finished in the positive for the third straight week.  This is the first time since July and the second time since the index began that the MobiAppIndex has increased three weeks in a row -- one more week makes it a record for the index.

Winners: NCTY +13.51%, COOL +7.42%
NOTE: COBR continues a streak with 0% the week before and +1.41% this week. Rephrased this becomes 8 out of the past 9 weeks without a decline.
Losers: ROVI -5.06%, AUGT -5.23%, VELT -5.66%, VOCS -4.42%

Comparison: DJI +1.4%, Nasdaq -1.13%, S&P 500 +1.12%, EEM -1.86%, FONE +0.08%

Meaningful news continues to be scant for these stocks, except maybe COOL that has been on a +52% tear for the past 3-weeks.  While I don't consider historic analyst observations meaningful :-), in this case it was a veritable analyst 'pile-on.'

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mobile App Index: 79.20(+13.77%) WE10/14/11

Huge jumps all the way around last week, but for the second week in a row the Mobile Application Index (MobiApp index) beat the major indices. 

Comparisons: DJI +4.87%, Nasdaq +7.59%, S&P 500 +5.98%
More on the graphs and details later in the week.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Mobile App Index: 69.62(+2.06%) WE 10/07/11

The Mobiappindex beat all of the major indices this week.  Many of the App stocks continued to recieve positive news and several stocks on the index announced their earnings report dates this week. 

Comparison: DJI (-0.18%), Nasdaq (-1.89%), S&P 500 (-0.82%), EEM (-1.18%), FONE +0.68%

Earnings Dates Announced: GLUU 11/3, COBR 11/9, AUGT 10/10

Winners: VELT +12.56%, COOL +21.5%

Losers: P (-10.51%)

Noteworthy:  COBR has consistently gained 5 out of the past 6 weeks.  

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mobile App Index: 68.21(-3.61%) WE 9/30/11

Another interesting week in the investment neighborhood, and a second week of setting the record low for the index.  The market continues to seek a solid bottom to land on.  The Dow went up 1.32% this week while the Nasdaq fell 2.73% and the S&P only slightly declined (-0.44%).  FONE was up very slightly +0.09% and EEM fell 2.18%.

Big Winner: P +36.28% -- what is going on there?! I don't see anything so noteworthy -- unless there is something about offering Pandora in every Hyundai Veloster that I don't understand.
Losers: GLUU (-26.48%), NCTY (-14.18%), COOL (-8.16%), MITK (-8.51%), VELT (-8.19%)
Again, no real news to explain these declines -- if anything the analyst news is quite positive.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Mobile App Index: 70.76(-4.91%) WE 9/23/11

Foreign stocks fell substantially (EEM -11.47%) this past week. Relative to the main US indices (DJI -5.79%, Nasdaq -4.75%, S&P 500 -6%), the MobiAppIndex responded equally -- an interesting comparison. Maybe this behavioral difference is due to the international stocks in the index.

Winners: COBR +2.35%, P +5.29%
Losers: MITK (-11.32%), GLUU (-16.57%), VOCS (-10.87%), ROVI (-5.17%)
The news indicates that MITK may be experiencing some profit taking due to its' positive results over the past few months.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mobile App Index: 74.42(-2.60%) WE 9/16/11

VELT experienced huge price swings this week -- down over 10% on Monday and up over 15% on Tuesday -- but ultimately ended down.  The major indexes continued to gain through the week starting Tuesday and appears to be due to positive sentiment around the European debt crisis.  Not much news in the Mobile Application space.

Winners: GLUU +12.79%, VOCS +4.06%
Losers: COOL (-17.6%), MITK (-9.24%) NCTY (-4.73%), VELT (-4.13%)
Comparison: Dow +4.7%, Nasdaq +6.25%, S&P 500 +5.34%, EEM +1.3%, FONE +5.16%

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mobile App Index: 76.40 (-1.75%) WE 9/9/11

The index flattened its' trend by retreating 1.75% this week, but remains above its' 4-week moving average.  Compared to the major indexes, this weeks' decline showed some potential for strength too:  DJI (-2.58%), Nasdaq (-3.06%), S&P (-1.92%), EEM (-1.26%), FONE (-3.06%).  We are approaching the gadget laden holiday season after all.

Winners: MITK + 5.28%, COOL +12.18%
Losers: P (-14%), GLUU (-7.85%), VOCS (-6.43%), COBR (-6.21%), ROVI (-4.24%), VELT (-3.01%)

News/Analysis: Pandora (P) continued to attract criticism from the analyst community, but it is hard to determine if these criticisms are material or FUD PR generated by hedge-fund short-sellers.  Certainly the volatility in the market overall has yielded such great swings each day that it makes you wonder if the investment community is really clueless or if there is some method to the madness -- and it would be surprising if this weren't hard to discern.  There was not much news to report elsewhere within the index, but the Smartphone patent fights between all the major manufacturers and technology companies continue to shape up in Europe and elsewhere -- as long as it doesn't thwart the overall growth of this rapidly emerging technology space this litigious focus only underscores the value placed on its potential.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Mobile App Index: 77.76(+4.52%) WE 9/2/11

Broke through the 4-week Moving Average this week.

Winners: MITK +35.56%, ROVI +8.17%
Losers: P (-9.99%), VELT (-19.80%)

Comparison: DOW (-0.39%), Nasdaq (-0.02%), S&P (-0.24%), EEM +2.56%, FONE +5.83%

Mobile App Index: 74.4(+3.35%) WE 8/26/11

Winners: GLUU +20.47%, ROVI +5.68%, COOL +6.48%
Losers: VELT (-6.48%), NCTY (-6.23%)

Comparison: DOW +4.32%,  Nasdaq +4.74%, S&P +5.88%, EEM +2.12%, FONE +1.23%

Mobile App Index: 71.99(-7.31%) WE 8/19/11

Did not post for the past two weeks.  Catching up.

Winners: COOL +10.2%
Losers: GLUU (-25.51%), VOCS (-18.54%), AUGT (-11.8%), VELT (-9.83%).

Comparison: DOW -4%, Nasdaq -6.62%, S&P -4.69%, EEM -3.85%, FONE -4.41%

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mobile App Index: 77.66(-2.89%) WE 8/12/11

The overall market slide has begun to slow and the Mobile Application Index followed suit: DOW -1.53%, Nasdaq -0.93%%, S&P 500 -1.75%%, EEM -3.08%, and FONE -1.37%.  It appears that the international impact deepened while the bulk of the technical sector may be recovering quicker.

Winners: MITK +11.59%, NCTY +7.13%.   On 8/8 Mitek systems announced their earnings with very positive results this week -- this was not on the radar of announcements.  NCTY will announce earnings on 8/16, but there is no substantive public news to explain the jump.

Losers: GLUU -14.96%, VOCS -11.81%.  There is no explanation for GLUU's decline this week, but VOCS was downgraded by one analyst on fears that their expansion plans are too ambitious.

Other: COOL went below the $2 criteria for inclusion in the index this week.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Mobile App Index: 79.98(-12.36%) WE 8/5/11

Another record worst week.   More of the same causes: The US Debt ceiling followed by International and finally the jobs crisis.

Comparison for the week: DOW -5.75%, Nasdaq -8.13%, S&P 500 -7.19%, EEM -9.61%, and FONE -8.11%.

GLUU released generally positive earnings information this week, but it proceeded to lose at least another 10% following this announcement.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mobile App Index: 91.26(-7.49%) WE 7/29/11

The 7.49% drop represents the biggest weekly decline in the index to date.

Best Explanation:  The debt ceiling drama.  Everything went down in the US: DOW (-4.24%), Nasdaq (-3.58%), S&P 500 (-3.92%), FONE (-3.72%).  But EEM (-1.12%) was minimally impacted.

Winner: COBR (+1.56%) rose after a very positive earnings announcement.

Biggest Losers: GLUU (-12.24%), ROVI (-8.97%), P (-16.31%), AUGT (-10.62%).  The rest of the stocks in the index all went down between 4.54% (MITK) and 7.97% (VELT).

VOCS and COBR reported earnings this week.  On 7/26, VOCS announced that they beat expectations and raised guidance, but the stock went down 0.3% afterwards.  Likely this is due to the loss per share of (0.14) remaining the same while they increased operating expenses 30%.  By comparison the COBR earnings report was even more dramatic -- the company is clearly profitable now -- and operating income grew 277% YoY.  Wall St. rewarded COBR with a 9.4% jump after this announcement.  Put into the context of the debt ceiling news, it appears that these stocks have increased their relative value -- for now.

Upcoming earnings announcements: GLUU (8/2), ROVI (8/9), VELT (8/10), NCTY (8/16) .

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mobile App Index: 98.65(+0.70%) WE 7/22/11 -- index revised 7/8/2011

Overall the market bounced back from yet another international debt crisis:  DOW +1.61%, Nasdaq +2.47%, S&P 500 +2.16%,  EEM +2.12%, FONE +3.39%.  In related news Google's shares jumped 12% after their latest earnings announcement on 7/14, which they attributed to smartphone related revenue, and have continued to gain along with AAPL and MSFT.

Big Winners: MITK +18.8%, COBR (upcoming earnings announcement on 7/26) +11.3% 
Big Losers: COOL -13.29%, VELT -8.98%

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mobile App Index: 101.4(-2.52%) WE 7/15/11

Because two stocks no longer meet the simple criteria for the index -- BGO and VRNG no longer maintain a minimum of $2/share -- they have been exchanged for Mitek Systems (MITK) and Pandora (P.)  This tracking began last week, and this updated Mobile App Index declined 2.03% -- from a base of 100 to 97.97.  Related to this MITK was moved from OTC to Nasdaq on 7/18/2011.

All the major indexes went down: Dow (-1.39%), Nasdaq (-2.45%),  S&P 500 (-2.06%), EEM (-2.64%).

Next week we will report on the updated index.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Mobile App Index: 104.01(+4.49%) WE 7/8/11

Normally the markets go down in the summer, but that did not happen this week:
Dow +6.04%, Nasdaq +3.1%, S&P500 +1.75%, EEM +0.69%, FONE +0.86% for WE 7/8/2011

Winners: AUGT +16.42%, NCTY +8.58%, VELT +6.58%, COBR +6.03%, COOL +5.96%
Loser: BGO (-12.50%)

MobiAppIndex is now in positive territory +1.14%.  A 4-week moving average has been added.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mobile App Index: 99.55(+6.25%) WE 7/1/11

The overall market did very well this week and the MobiAppIndex went with it.

Winners: VELT +14.40%, AUGT +14.81%, GLUU +14.26%
The only losers for the week were: BGO (-5.88%), and VRNG (-3.85%)

At this point, the index is only 3% below its' original value.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Mobile App Index: 93.70(+1.45%) WE 6/24/11

Winners: VOCS +15.10%
Losers: VELT -6.92%, VRNG -9.09%

The Dow, Nasdaq and S&P 500 appeared to be heading in a more positive direction too.

This is a late post as last week the family travelled around Western Washington and BC Canada - using a Motorola Xoom tethered to an Android HTC Inspire with AT&T Wireless to enhance the experience.  OpenTable, Google Maps, Bing Search, Google Places, and TripAdvisor all proved extremely helpful with the travel and urban experiences -- key scenarios for the mobile application user.  The only surprise for me was that despite double checking on the international coverage for my account -- we live on the boarder with Canada -- AT&T shut down my data plan and required me to pay a monthly fee for international data roaming after we returned.  Combine that with the lemon experience I had with my HTC Surround, and AT&T is not looking like an ideal partner.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mobile App Index: 92.35(-3.32%) WE 6/17/11

A hollow prediction: the major indexes slowed their decline -- The Nasdaq (-1.03%), EEM (-1.46%), S&P 500 (+0.04%) and Dow Jones (+0.44%) -- but the Mobile Application Stock Index plummeted this week -- the second worst week since tracking began.

Winners: AUGT +17.60%

Losers: COOL (-20.5%) fell a week after climbing 30%,  VRNG (-10.6%) and BGO (-8.57%).

Another big loser, and candidate for the MobiApp index was Pandora (NYSE:P), which fell 16.25% from its' IPO valuation of $16 and 44.74% from its' recorded trading day high of $24.25.  Another negative vote for IPOs.  The MobiApp index will be updated sometime this summer, and will involve a reset of all stocks back to an even distribution.

This is the net change of the MobiApp stocks since 5/6 to 6/17:


The terms bell weather and 'canary in the coal mine' were mentioned in a Barron's Blog Post this week -- last weeks' view on this index merits further consideration.  This post about Nvidia, a related stock, goes on to theorize that consumers recently lost much of the discretionary income required for Mobile related purchases.  That would potentially explain the recent capricious stock changes, but it also underscores the potential hidden assumption that the United States is the driving force for sales.  If true, this is changing very quickly -- these technologies are growing rapidly in emerging markets -- and makes for a challenge when assessing stock value.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mobile App Index: 95.53 (-0.51%) WE 6/10/11

Compared to the rest of the market, at -0.51% the MobiAppIndex performed well this week. The Nasdaq (-3.25%), EEM (-2.92%), S&P 500 (-2.24%) and Dow Jones (-1.63%) were all significantly down for the week. 

In addition, VRNG and BGO stopped their 4-week slides by producing gains of 3.23% and 10.53% respectively.  With the exception of Chinese NCTY (this weeks biggest loser at -20.8%) the gaming portion of this index continues to outperform all other stocks in the index -- COOL jumped 30% this week and earned the winners' spot.

I am wondering if the Mobile Application Stock Index descent may be bottoming out and what this says to us about the recent overall market decline.  Did the indexes steep decline starting on 5/14 serve as a leading indicator for the market?  Do we expect the overall market decline to slow in the coming week?  I'll venture a guess and say "Yes, that is my prediction." The Reason: this technology area represents future growth in the stock market and what to expect from the bigger indexes.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mobile App Index: 96.02 (-1.67%) WE 6/3/11

The MobiAppIndex did reasonably well against the Dow and Nasdaq this week -- they posted losses of 2.87% and 1.80% respectively.  If you remove VRNG (-17.55%) and BGO (-6.86%) from the calculation, the biggest losers this week and their fourth straight week of decline, the index actually gained 0.42% overall for the week. 

While there continues to be almost no news for BGO, VRNG was in the news because they recieved a deficiency notice from NYSE AMEX and may be delisted.  VRNG may be removed from the list in the coming weeks as it no longer meets the basic criteria for inclusion in the index -- it is now below $2/share.

The big winners for the week were AUGT (+8.05%), which stopped its three week slide, and COBR (+6.61%).  These gains are especially noteworthy in light of the signficant overall decline in the markets this week.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mobile App Index: 97.65 (-0.45%) WE 5/27/11

WINNERS: GAMES!  GLUU continued upwards this week with additional good news from the mobile gaming sector -- this took COOL and The9 Limited (NCTY) up with it. 

LOSERS: Bango Plc (LON:BGO), VRNG and AUGT fell for the third straight week with little or no news to explain the trend.  These big losers in the index have fallen 26%, 16.4% and 24% respectively since the inception of the index.  AUGT is down 44.2% from its' all time high on 3/4/2011. VELT became a big loser this week by dropping 21.47% leading to a net index decline of 17.7%.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mobile App Index: 98.09 (-4.18%) for the week ending 5/20/2011

By comparison the Nasdaq was down (-0.89%), the Smartphone Index (FONE) was down (-1.68%), and Emerging Markets (EEM) was up +0.32% for the week.

VRNG announced earnings this week, but the expected price jump did not occur.  Given the overall light trading for this stock I managed to sell my position with a slight net gain thanks to limit orders.

ROVI continued to move upwards this week, and is not far from the peak achieved immediately following its earnings announcement.

VELT also gained this week, in what may be late recognition of the companies earnings report on 5/12.

GLUU rose after it received a BUY rating from ThinkEquity on 5/19.

COOL, AUGT, BGO were the big losers this week at 16.15%, 17.65%, and 11.88% respectively.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Presenting a watchlist on-line

The task of integrating a view of current stock details has proved more challenging than expected.    Blogger seems to provide more capabilities in this area than Seeking Alpha, which is where I started to discuss this topic.

Here is the Updated Mobile Applications Index:
Vringo, Inc.VRNG
Glu Mobile Inc.GLUU
Rovi CorporationROVI
Cobra Electronics COBR
Bango plcBGO
The9 Limited (ADR)NCTY
Vocus, Inc.VOCS
Augme Technologies IncAUGT
Velti plcVELT

Below please find two RSS feeds from Yahoo (you have a limit of 5 items per feed in Blogger) and a Google Reader view of the combined RSS feed.  They are updated every 15 minutes and appear to be the best ways to present this information dynamically right now, but I will continue to seek more options.  Feel free to share any ideas on the subject as I am sure that there are better approaches out there.